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Newly Formed Ohio Off-Highway Motorcycle Association Seeks to Create More Opportunities for Riders

Off-highway motorcycle (OHM) enthusiasts in Ohio recently launched a new state-wide off-highway motorcycle association.  NOHVCC State Partner Matt Bucher, who spearheaded the effort, said that off-road motorcycle riders in Ohio needed an organization dedicated to advancing their recreational interests.  Matt said the new organization, the Ohio Off-Highway Motorcycle Association, will not only seek to create more OHM trail riding opportunities but will also work to educate riders to promote lawful, safe, and responsible OHM riding.  He noted that the association will be working with existing clubs, and developing new clubs where needed, to sponsor and develop new public riding opportunities in their areas.


The idea of forming a state association specific to OHMs had been kicked around for a while in Ohio. Last fall, Matt learned that there were some future for off-road vehicle opportunities on the horizon.  When he discovered that OHM riding was not part of the plan, he realized the importance of getting an OHM association up and running right away to give OHM riders the voice they needed.


Matt assembled a group of dedicated enthusiasts and advocates to work together to bring the association to fruition.  He made a video for social media to announce the initiative and to ask people to join. In addition to recruiting advocates in Ohio, he sought additional expertise from the American Motorcycle Association and the National Off-Highway Vehicle Conservation Council. 


The core group of members worked through the issues to answer questions and get the preliminary work completed.  After about four months, everything was in place to launch.  The association is now up and running and stepping forward to do their work representing off-highway motorcycle interests in Ohio. Congratulations to Matt and his associates on their hard work and initiative. NOHVCC looks forward to working with the Ohio Off-Highway Motorcycle Association in the near future. 


Do you have a need to form a state association to represent your motorized recreation interests in your state?  If so, contact NOHVCC at [email protected]. We would be happy to discuss how we can assist you in developing an association whether that be through training, workshops, guidance, or just a quick phone discussion. This is but one of the many services NOHVCC is happy to provide to create a positive future for OHV recreation. 

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Engagement NOHVCC Initiatives Education Assistance
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